Daimler Truck SA inaugurates new business campus

Ms Nomalungelo Gina; Deputy Minister of Trade Industry and Economic Development (centre), cuts the ribbon to officially open the new campus.
Ms Nomalungelo Gina; Deputy Minister of Trade Industry and Economic Development (centre), cuts the ribbon to officially open the new campus.

Daimler Truck Southern Africa Ltd (DTSA) has officially opened its new strategically located new office building and business campus in Centurion, Pretoria, South Africa. Housing it’s headquarter, training, used and new vehicle retail facilities, in addition to a fully fledge dedicated Daimler Truck Financial Services company, the campus, officially opened on 25 April, is certainly positioned to create convenience and easy access.

Officially opening the new DTSA building in the presence of its key stakeholders such as customers, dealer partners, general distributors, suppliers and business partners was Ms Nomalungelo Gina; Deputy Minister of Trade Industry and Economic Development; Karin Rådström; Member of the Board of Management Daimler Truck AG and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Trucks; Stephan Unger; Member of the Board of Management Daimler Truck AG and Head of Financial Services; Andreas Peschke German Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa/eSwatini/Lesotho; Andreas von Wallfeld, Head of Daimler Truck Overseas; Michael Dietz; President and CEO Daimler Truck Southern Africa, together with the DTSA Board of Directors.

Commenting on this momentous occasion and notable achievement is Karin Rådström, Member of the Board of Management Daimler Truck AG, and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Trucks; “I am excited to be part of the DTSA headquarters’ inauguration, re-affirming our commitment into one of our strategic markets in Africa. The investment not only underlines our positioning as a global player in the commercial vehicle world, but also shows our keen passion for people and diversity to which South Africa is renowned for. The new headquarter sets the team up properly to serve our customers in this very important market for Daimler Truck.”

Stephan Unger, Member of the Board of Management Daimler Truck AG and Head of Financial Services adds; “The new headquarter is a welcoming home for our team in South Africa. The concept of bringing sales & marketing and Financial Services together under one roof, is taking the right step in our strategy to provide integrated transport solutions for our customers.”

Andreas von Wallfeld, Head of Daimler Truck Overseas, had this to say; “I am very proud of our new home for our team here in South Africa. Having an all-encompassing commercial Daimler Truck Southern Africa Ltd vehicle campus taking care of all aspects of our business is benchmark and a true customer centric approach.”

In closing Michael Dietz, President and CEO Daimler Truck Southern Africa Ltd concluded; “As a team we are truly humbled by how far we have come since becoming an independent company on 1 December 2021. This day marks a great beginning for us, and I look forward to further creating a great place to work for our employees, while fully catering to our customers and continuously serving all who keep Africa moving”

The setting up of this remarkable establishment commenced in quarter one of 2021 and entailed the procurement of a 11-hectare campus, refurbishment of the existing offices, the addition of a dedicated DTSA training facility and notably the construction of the new Daimler Truck Southern Africa headquarters offices.

Boasting approximately 600 employees across the campus, the DTSA headquarter and TruckStore facilities were importantly designed with a clear intention of creating a sustainable and comfortable workplace. Several sustainable features were incorporated in the design of these buildings. All facades and windows are screened to limit solar heat gain, while reducing electrical loads. High specification low-E double glazing further ensures low heat gains and losses. The roof slopes to the north to allow for future solar installation and rainwater collection on one facade.

Parking bays and roof areas are utilised to generate electricity and reduce reliance on non-renewable sources. Some 752 solar panels provide 350 kWp electricity. This is in line with the commitment to achieve a net-zero status.


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