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Are fuel prices driving hybrid technology?

The capital cost of hybrid crushing and screening technology has traditionally been prohibitive to the take-up of these solutions in Africa. Amid record high fuel prices, Bell Equipment, the Finlay distributor in southern Africa, has, however, seen renewed interest in hybrid solutions because fuel savings help offset their premium price and also improve their value proposition. By Munesu Shoko.

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Step-change in efficient and safe blasting

As quarries further embrace modern technology, there is an apparent increased uptake of electronic blast detonation systems. This was the overarching message from BME at the recent Institute of Quarrying Southern Africa (IQSA) conference, where the Omnia group company showcased its new AXXIS Silver digital initiation system, a step-change in efficient and safe blasting for quarries and small-scale mining operations, writes Munesu Shoko.

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