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ERG Industrial, Featured Articles, Top Post

‘Leaving money on the table’

After nearly five years of operation, ERG Industrial, a specialist in blast optimisation for quarries and mines, has made key observations in blasting processes. Of note, MD Eugene Preis tells Quarrying Africa, is that mines and quarries are ‘leaving money on the table’ by neglecting blasting basics such as quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC). By Munesu Shoko.

Featured Articles, Top Post

Meeting evolving drilling needs

Like many other segments of the mining value chain, drilling and blasting techniques have over the years become more and more technical. This, says James R Linton, national product manager – FRD & RT Drills at ELB Equipment, has required that drill rigs become more efficient, faster, reliable and low-maintenance to cope with the higher demands of production. By Munesu Shoko.

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